Leon Greene (born lenard george green, 1931 in west ham) is an english opera singer and film actor. His films include a funny thing happened on the way to the forum (1966), a challenge for robin hood (1967), the devil rides out (1968, in which he was dubbed by patrick allen), the squeeze (1977), flash gordon (1980) and several carry on comedies.
I am U.A.C.C member 881 (universal autograph collectors club) and registered dealer 0095 with A.F.T.A.L (autograph fair trade association ltd) and abide by their rules and ethics.
I am U.A.C.C member 881 (universal autograph collectors club) and registered dealer 0095 with A.F.T.A.L (autograph fair trade association ltd) and abide by their rules and ethics.
Leon Greene dedicated autograph AFTAL